

Here i am with a sweet item with milk .........

What We Need:

Milk - 2lts
Sugar - 2 cups or can be varied to your taste
Milkmaid - 2tbsp (optional)

How To Do:

  • In a heavy bottomed pan heat milk, ones it starts boiling stir occasionally ones in 5minutes.
  • Ones it starts evaporating and milk thickens stir continuously until it comes 1/4th part of the milk.
  • Now add sugar and stir for about 15 minutes and add milk maid(optional) and stir until the consistency should be in such a way that you can make balls or to your desired consistency.

Here is my PalaKova for this New year Celebrations .........
To prepare this simple dish you need lots of interest and patience as i hadnt stirred continuously few lumps formed which can be smashed at the end to a smooth paste. I prepared this with 4 lts of milk and am done at the end, so we had this as it is without smashing but still it tasted good. Adding milk maid gave extra taste to these PalaKovas which is an optional ingredient.

Am sending this to Know Your Dairy Milk event by Shama hosted by JCO ..........

Also sending this to New U Event at Cooks Joy ........


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